Saturday, April 14, 2012

1.09 Roll Call - Goals, Progress, Finds

[:1]Hi all - most of you know about my inexplicable obsession with 1.09, but a fellow Old-Skooler suggested we do a Roll Call so that anybody playing 1.09 has a common place to communicate.

I'll start off by reiterating what most of you already know:

I'm working on completing a 1.09 Septumvariate (completed 5 characters, currently working on a Necro) and looking for the Vex drop from Countess for the screenie to include in my 1.09 guide (I've gotten up to Gul). In the process, I've been slowing filling out a quasi Grail (1.09 has some TC90 items that are simply too rare for a complete Grail to be a reasonable goal). I also have a group of 7 rushees ready for HF collections when I finally pull the trigger on moving on.

I'm also daydreaming of a 1.09 runeword grail (once the Vex drops from Countess, I'll be 1 Jah away from a complete grail - one crazy-rare Jah drop is more feasible than 6 crazy-rare TC90 drops).

Once I meet these goals, I think I'll finally be ready to move on to 1.10s... but that's no guarantee (see previous announcements of moving on).

I've been posting screenies of my finds in the IFT, but I'm thinking maybe this thread might be an alternative location, since the relative value/excitement of items is different for 1.09 than later patches.

I would also like this thread to be a resource for discussing strategies, builds, imbalances from folks currently playing the patch, as well as an invitation from anybody who's been toying with the idea to give it a try an discuss it here.

So, if you are playing 1.09, or are seriously thinking about it, sound off here. Let us know:

(a) Your goal (rushing for 1.10s, build flexibility, nostalgia, exploiting bugs/imbalances, level 90+ "redneck Baal" charms, etc.)

(b) Your character(s) - what build(s) you're trying out.

(c) Your progress/activities

(d) Any notable finds

(e) If you MP, where/with whom do you play?

Also, any general observations you have from playing.

For me:

(a) Addressed above

(b) Finished a Frenzy Barb (currently MFing), MA/GA/FA Buriza Bowazon (currently MFing), Mauling Werebear Druid (currently retired), MeteOrb (currently leveling via cows and some MF), Fanatic Zealot Paladin (currently retired).

Working on a Minion Based Artillary Necro (CE/Bone Spear/IG) through normal, and plan on a Pheonix Strike MA Assassin (hoping to find a Natalya's Mark to use that set).

(c) The necro is making good progress - good twinking makes the early game pretty easy. At level 28, an "Honor" Yari for the Merc + Amp Damage is pwning the game. Duriel was not a problem as he targeted the IG - the Thorns + life leech (from the sword I made it from) seems to have that BG/IM effect.

(d) I'm probably most happy with the Tal's Armor, as that made the Zon an MFer. My other notables are:


3x SoJ

1x Mara's

3x Highlord's Wrath

2x Doombringer

1x Schaefer's Hammer (inspired a character that culminated into a decision to do a Sept)

2x Gladiator's Bane

1x HoZ

2x Homunculus (both planned for use by the Necro)

1x Arreat's Face

2x Jalal's Mane

3x Stormshield

3x Harlequin Crest

>5x Occys, Titan's and Bartucs (1x eth Titan's Revenge)

TC3s: Bane Ash, Knell Striker, Rixot's Keen, Hotspur, Pluckeye, Pelta Lunata, Greyform, Biggon's Bonnet, Lenymo, Blinkbat's Form, Felloak, The Gnasher


Tal's Armor (for Tal's MF 3-piece)

Full Naj's Set (maybe try this set out?)

Full Disciple (the ammy is the tricky piece)

Sander's Paragon (found in Frozen River)

Cow King's Horns


Perfect Shimmering (15) GC of Inertia

Shimmering (13) GC of Vita

Serpent's GC of Balance, & of Vita

4x Sparking, Harpoonist (1 of Sust) GCs

3x Captains GCs

Toxic SC of Anthrax (290)

My inexplicable gaps (not yet found) items are:

Hand of Broc

Torch of Iro

Gore Riders

(e) I started a group, posted in the MP forum, but I've done very, very little MP, especiall recently.

Observations - Well lots (see my guide), but I'll focus on one that is important for anyone playing 1.09:

MSLE (Multi-Strike Lightning Enchanted) defines the game. It will kill the strongest character FAST if you don't plan for it. For that reason, TGod's Vigor is the most important item in the game, IMHO. Blackhorns' Face is handy too, especially for a Merc.|||pfc Steven Q Urkel, representing v1.09d, reporting for duty Sir!!!

My Goals
  • Build a Firewall/Frozen Orb sorceress for 1x7 rushing. This goal has been accomplished.

  • Find a cursed Knell Striker to complete my v1.09 TC3 grail. This goal has not yet been accomplished, and I'm not entirely sure how much more effort I want to put into it since 1) Coldcrow pretty much hates me and 2) bugged Durance Runs, although they can be fun at times, are remarkably tedious.

  • Find or P-Gem roll an entire inventory of 5% small charms of inertia. They then will be forwarded to 1.13, equipped on a PvM Runadin w/ maxed Vigor, Harmony bow, M'avina's Belt, 40% Run/Walk rare boots, and Valk Wing. The character will then, after clearing the way of all monsters/walls/catapults/etc, Sprint from the gates of Harrogath to the Frigid Highlands waypoint, all the while the William Tell Overture plays on WinAmp. The entire spectacle will be recorded via FRAPS, and put on YouTube for all the world to witness. This is more than likely just a pie in the sky pipe dream rather than an actual goal, but it still makes me LoL just thinking about it.

  • cube a high end Cruel Colossus Blade/Sword of Quickness or Eviseration with the 3 chipped gem recipe, and then make a Barbar to use it. This goal has not yet been accomplished. So far my best swords are a 298% Cruel Colossus Sword with no suffix, and a Fool's Colossus Sword of Quickness.

  • Complete 1x7 rushes with the sorc so that Hell Forge Runes can be collected in 1.10s and 1.12/1.13. This goal has been accomplished many times over, and hopefully won't have to be accomplished ever again.


Well, its actually been quite a while since I've played any 1.09, so I haven't made much progress towards finishing the goals. I did go on a P-Gem rolling spree recently, and I think I netted 4 or 5 inertia charms, so I'm still only 30 or so short of a full inventory. I still have a dedicated 1.09 install though, so if I ever get bored of 1.13 or just need a break from it I can resume at any time.

Notable Finds
  • a Shimmering Grand Charm of Balance, although it isn't perfect

  • I'm pretty sure I've found at least 1x Cold Skiller or 1x Fire Skiller but I don't remember exactly which

  • I've found a few Raven Claws. One of them even had a perfect 70%ED, which I didn't even realize until after I had traded it away. :facepalm:

  • I can't remember the exact count, but I think I have well over 10 Azurewrath crystal swords.

  • A 210%ED/6 Life leech tc78 Dombringer. Thats the only notable unique off the top of my head, and I'm too lazy to run a full Flavie to see what other uniques/sets I have.

  • Thanks mostly in part to bugged Durance runs and with some Coldcrow mixed in I have well over 150 TC3's.

  • Whenever I rush, Nightmare Lord de Seis is, and always will be, a Turbo n00b.

  • I was kind of hoping my sorc, and in particular her moron, wouldn't be such a wuss in the Moo Moo Farm.

  • After all these years of D2ing I still haven't seen a Lightning Hose Act 1 rogue in action.

  • players X static bug ftw

  • v1.09 is fun, but I wouldn't want to give up 1.13 to play it exclusively.


I was kind of hoping my sorc, and in particular her moron, wouldn't be such a wuss in the Moo Moo Farm.

I find my MeteOrb the best cow-killer of the group. Her Merc has Hone (AmnAmnShael), "Smoke" eth Dusk Shroud, and Vamp's Gaze. He generally is OK as long as the Meteors drop - a quick teleport when he gets overwhelmed helps a lot.


After all these years of D2ing I still haven't seen a Lightning Hose Act 1 rogue in action.

Look me up on Hamachi - I'll bring my Druid.


players X static bug ftw

DUDE! You know about the static bug???? GEIB INFO!!!111oneoneone

I've noticed it working against Snapchip and Thresh Socket - is it predictable?|||I was not aware of a static bug when fighting Snap and Thresh. The static bug I was referring to is the one that happens when you fight Duriel and Mephisto in Hell difficulty. Instead of the usual 50% cap on static field, there is no cap when fighting these two Act Bosses. You can static away ~97-98% of Duriel's health just with static alone. For Mephisto, the amount you can static is just a tiny bit less than the amount that works on Duriel, but you can still static him down way further than the 50% cap.

As far as triggering the static bug, the only thing I know of that triggers it is the players setting. If you are in a players 1 game, the bug will not work. If its a players 2 game, I think it will work, but it has been a while since I've tested it so I don't remember for sure. And for any game players 3 or higher, I'm fairly certain it will work on all players settings.

If you say you have seen the static bug on Thresh Socket and Snapchip before, maybe it will work outside of Mephisto and Duriel as long as you are in a players 2/players 3 game or higher. If you do your next MF run on players 2 or players 3 and the bug triggers, it will probably trigger on all subsequent runs of the same players setting.|||I tested it again - it does definitely work against Thresh and Snapchip - all the way to a sliver. I was not aware of Mephy though - I'll have to give that a try.|||Quote:

  • Find or P-Gem roll an entire inventory of 5% small charms of inertia. They then will be forwarded to 1.13, equipped on a PvM Runadin w/ maxed Vigor, Harmony bow, M'avina's Belt, 40% Run/Walk rare boots, and Valk Wing. The character will then, after clearing the way of all monsters/walls/catapults/etc, Sprint from the gates of Harrogath to the Frigid Highlands waypoint, all the while the William Tell Overture plays on WinAmp. The entire spectacle will be recorded via FRAPS, and put on YouTube for all the world to witness. This is more than likely just a pie in the sky pipe dream rather than an actual goal, but it still makes me LoL just thinking about it.

I hope you will also consider Comedians Gallop or Yakety Sax.

To stay on topic, I remember back in 1.09 I used to play realms. Cubed a Cruel Colossus Sword of Evisceration. Probably the most valuable item I've ever had relative to the game economy. I miss the chippie recipe for swords.

Also has anyone tried LK superchests in previous versions? They come with free armor and weapon racks, so I wasn't sure if running here would pay off. Probably a much lower Alvl in previous patches though.|||Quote:

Also has anyone tried LK superchests in previous versions? They come with free armor and weapon racks, so I wasn't sure if running here would pay off. Probably a much lower Alvl in previous patches though.

My Pally actually has an awesom LK map - 2 campfires right next to each other right next to the WP. I've run it some with him, but nothing like the dedication needed to really test it. I do like it for the charms and the chance to pop all yellow. But... as far as what runes it's capable of producing... I will check the level of items out of the chests... for some reason, I'm thinking chests are capped at level 75.|||Klonki or my real name: John, turns out to make a report. 1.09b all the way.

Some of my goals: I will focus on my amazon to begin with. So many years have past since i was in love with Diablo 2 on the realms.. She will be a MA-amazon with some cold as a secondary option along with the valk.

  • Some sort of a Sorc will be my second candidate to progress with.

  • One or more grail-goals are always nice to finish. Will take plenty of time, but hey, that's the spirit of the game, right?

  • Do some amazing "godly" swords with the chippy-reciepe.

  • Defeat Baal in hell, just to get the feeling.

Your progress: I am currently with my Zimona in Stony Field, time to enter the underground tunnel. Level 9 and working her way up.

Any notable finds: I had the luck to find a chest outside a house just in the beginning of the camp. So many times i have opened that chest for some treasures. Almost the entire chest with gems. One Envy-jewel so far.

MP: Some time i will try it out, i need to have more time with the game itself first. It's like a relationship, you need to treat it well.|||Nice to have you here, Klonki. Congrats on the selection of a Zon - the reason she was nerfed so hard in 1.10 is because how stong she is in 1.09. Might I suggest a 1-point Fire Arrow for your bugged low-mana cost PI needs? I also suggest considering an investment in Charged Strike - I found myself stuggling with PI/FI/CE bosses when doing some serious MFing with my Zon, and if I were to make her all over, I'd make the investment in a lightning skill for just that instance.

Also keep in mind that, for the absolute most elite items, Baal is not the source (though they CAN drop drop from the Wave bosses), but the A5SUs are your targets (Pindle, Frozenstein, Thresh Socket, Snapchip Shatter).

As for my part, my goal have sharpened to one goal - getting the Vex rune drop from Hell Countess. To this end, I've created a Sorc meant to be a Nova Sorc specifically for that purpose, but I've yet to do any questing with her. In the meantime, I'm crafting caster ammys and honing my Countess running skills with the MeteOrb sorc.

Since it's been a while, I have a couple items to add to my grail list:

2x Sazabi Swords

Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge

Tancred's Hobnails

Griswold's Valor (TC90)

Arkaine's Valor

Full Cow Set

2 more HoZ

3 more SoJ

1 more BKWB

My inexplicable gaps remain gaps.|||Hi. I dusted off the old d2 after 3? years. After much reading, I settled on 1.09. My disks are 1.07.

(a) nostalgia. I used to play alot. I had a 99MF Sorc that fed my obsession, the 99 Zon. Zon was pretty cookie cutter, String/shaftstop/vampgaze/buriza then WF/etc back then. That was a really long time ago. More recently, I had a hammerdin all decked out and a necro with amp/explode corpse I believe.

Someone at work was talking about playing old games and dusting off D2, that made me want to.

(b) BowZon. It is what I played in 1.09, but not what I played when I was current patch on Bnet.

(c) She is 28 with whatever the cap is for right now in GA(11?)

(d) Absolutely not. Drops are so bad the game is almost unplayable.

(e) I do not.

General observations:

I wanted the challenge. I could have edited everything in or patched to current and played bnet if my only goal was to blow everything up. I knew that wouldn't have been rewarding. So, I chose SP.

Untwinked, the game is/was broken. Now I know why I immediately went to Bnet back in the day. Without player help, the game is good for about 2 days. Diablo is unkillable. 1hits my merc and then I don't do enough damage to matter. Swap in FR gear and then I really don't do enough damage. I could kite him for 30 minutes I suppose, but 15 resses of my Merc is not enough. Thats all the stash will allow me to have in gold.

Meph was no picnic either, had to get him hung up on a corner and then put 700 arrows in him. Not exaggerating, 2 full stacks. I have no interest in running him 100 times hoping for Arctic Set pieces lol. I have killed every single mob in the game thru Act 4, and my best drop is Isenhart's chest. It is the only set item I have seen. Hellforge was all topazes. I'm using a 3 soc short bow with pEmerald, Nef, and an empty spot waiting for enough gem shrines to up my skull to perfect. At this point, I would give my left nut for a low manald. Never thought I'd ever say that, but mana leech is a big problem. I have none. I have seen a few vendor bows 'of the bat', but the stats were terrible.

I really like the game. I don't have high expectations for something this old. I just wish I could play a bit longer before being stuck. I know someone will say to roll an MF Sorc to get stuff first, NM Meph, etc etc, but with everything I have so far she would be 28 also and at about 100mf probably all from ptopaz and the boots/gloves I saw that were 11. Then, 3 months from now I could probably play my zon.

There must be something I am missing, I can't wait to hear what it is and then feel stupid.

Suggestions? All are welcome.

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