Thursday, April 12, 2012

Crafting Amulet


I have looked around alot here search for answers but don�t really feel comfortable with what I learn and just want to double check.

I�m only missing the +2 Sorc. Skills and +20% FCR Amulet in order to get a "Perfect" lite-sorc going.

So is it true that I use amulets gambled from a level 93 Char and craft them on the same char for best result?

Or will the Item level of the amulet matter here? should I check for certain item levels on the amulets and only use those??

many thanx

/m|||If you craft amulets you gamble, from character level 93 and up 100% of the amulets will be able to spawn with +2 skills, yes. Higher clvls will work just as well.

The chance of a 2/20 sorc amulet is 1 in 7500 or so if I recall correctly, so don't hold your breath!

Edit: 1 in ~7136, just looked it up. If you accept +2 Lightning Skills too, the chance of one of those is 1 in ~4757, so slightly more manageable. Still wouldn't hold my breath |||93 should be enough, IIRC the formula is: ilvl of crafted amulet = (ilvl/2) rounded down + (clvl/2) rounded down.

ilvl of gambled amulet is -4/+5 of clvl, so in worst case scenario ilvl of crafted amulet would be 90 which is enough for +2 skill prefix.|||The ilvl range of a gamble is clvl-5 to clvl+4. Apart from that it's correct.

I suppose you could "cheat" and start at clvl 88. Using GoMule/ATMA to check the ilvl of your gambles before crafting.|||To put a time-travel spin on things, in 1.07 you can craft +3 Lite skills ammys, but the most FCR you can get is 11%. In 1.08, on the other hand, you can only get +2 Lite skills, but you can get up to 25%FCR on ammys, making the odds a bit less steep...neither patch allows +2 Sorc skills on crafted ammys, unfortunately. You can even craft the 1.08 ammys as low as Clvl 61, though Clvl 78+ would be better, and in both patches the ilvl of the ammy is irrelevent.

WoRG|||I'll craft in 1.08 with clvl 61 since odds for 2tabskills and 25fcr are a bit better. Funny enough, in single craft I made I got 2fire skills (awesome, just the one I want) and 5fcr (less 20... ^^)

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