Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Truly Random Tourny


This is another typical random tourny, what can I say.

Play is in 1.13 HC and you may rerun areas, players setting is /p8 only. NO RESPECS Atma is allowed as an extended stash but no twinking is allowed.

The winner will be judjud from all the people that get guardian. The one with the hardest to play build wins!

It will start when at least 10 people express thier interest and roll thier charaters, then I will make up the table and everyone starts, people may join after this as long as they think they can catch up. You may reenter as many times as you wish.

Please use for all number generations (srry i dont know how to make a link)

During the creation process you may make 1 reroll this must be taken as soon as you get the result and before you roll the next thing.










You must place 75% of your points into these skills


1-Bowazon (all bow and crossbow skills)

2-Spearzon (all Spear based javelin and spear skills)

3-Javazon (all javelin based javelin and spear skills)


1-Martial Artist

2-Fire Trapper

3-Lightning Trapper (this DOES incluse fire blast)


1-Zerker (Beserk BO and all zerk synergies)

2-Whirlwinder (WW BO and all WW synergies)

3-Concentrater (concentrate BO shout and concentrate synergies)

4-Singer (all warcries)


1-Summoner (do I really have to specify?)

2-Wolf Druid (any wolf related skills)

3-Bear Druid (any bear related skills)







1-Zealot (Zeal zeals synergies and 1 aura + its synergies)

2-Avenger (same as zeal but with vengance)

3-Hammerdin (same as zeal, may reroll this category for free if you get hammerdin and ABSOLUTELY HATE HAMMERDINS! (like me) )





4-Any 2 elements of your choice


You can ALWAYS wear white items and crafted items. This does not include socketed items

Charms are always permitted and all jewlery is allowed.

1- Set and Unique

2- Rare

3- Runewords and items with runes

4- Magical(blue) and Set

5- Socketed(and anything you put in these sockets but no runewords)

4- Quirk

1- OCD disorder-Pick a number between 0 and 9, all your stats MUST end in this number (if tht means you cannot equip an item untill you put points into a certain stat then so be it.

2- Obsessive gambler-You must gamble away every penny you have at all times, you come back to town, repair your stuff then have to gamble ANY spare cash away this means you may not buy stuff from normal shops.

3- Showoff- You have to kill all acts bosses With either your fists, wirts leg or a rank 1 lvl 1 spell. (that is for casters only so things like rank1 teeth and fire bolt, skills like bash are not considered spells)

4- Hyperactivity- You must always run, if you run out of stamina you must walk

Feel free to add any suggestions or criticism as none of the rules are finalised untill we start.

GOOD LUCK!|||OK i have rolled my char but won't start playing untill we officially start, if any major changes occur i will re roll it.

I am Silky-Smooth the Fire Scorceress, I can only equip Runed items and white items and I have an OCD of the number 0

Forum Name   Name           Class/Type    Gear     Quirk   LVL  Highest WP

Handorman Silky-Smooth Fire Sorc Runed OCD 1 Rogue Camp

I will update the table most days if people dont want to just state yur stats in highlighted text at the bottom of your post|||Oh i completely forgot if you are only allowed to use runed and white items you may equip ANY belt gloves or boots because you cannot have runes in these items.

Not sure about what build to play but i have a good while to think about it because we need 10 people signed up untill we start|||I'll join. Give me a minute and I'll roll my build.

1st tourny!

1 - Baba

2 - Singer (3 out of every 4 go into warcries, correct?)

3 - Set and Unique

4 - Showoff

Questions / Comments:

1. Are we allowed to safe skill points? Or do we have to spend them as we get them?

2. About winning: judjud by those who Guardian? Judged maybe? More clarity maybe.

3. Maybe a limitation on jewelry / charms: Like, only onces with 'even/odd character levels' or certain colors/types, ya'know? Idk, seems like those could make it 'too easy'

4. and only #5 is able to use socketed items?

5. Seems fun as it is though!|||1- yes of course

2- judged by everyone who died along the way

3-well you rolled a singer barb so theres no to easy about it im afraid

4- acatuly yes maybe rules will be finalised later ty for joining

cool i think ill go with somthing that uses fire wall cause ive never done that before|||Firewall sorc! That was my favorite skill pre-synergies when I played bnet! LOVED the maximum damage! Had to 'walk' baddies into it.

A/b the singer, as long as 1/4 of my points are in my combat tree, I'm-a-makin' a 'zerker! (Fishy to be exact)

Actually in the process of making one myself! Buuuuuttttttt....... We'll see as we progress I imagine.|||Expressing interest. Want a rule clarification.

For the gear limitation, is that what I can ONLY wear or what I cannot wear?

For the 75% of my skills. how does the rounding work? with 5 skills points that be 3.75 as 75% but then at 15 it would be 11.25 skill points for 75%.

And for the "hardest" build how will that be decided. Just curious.|||I am in also. BillyBarb enters camp with the following:

3 - Barb

1 - Serker

5 - Socketed ( gogo Wirt's! )

3 - Show off|||1- its the gear you CAN wear

and for the SP it is Always rounded up, so you have to have 3 points to get 1st othe point with the next at 6,9,12 ect ect

hardest build will be decided on how easy it ills stuff and drops, so a fishymancer who happened to get arm of king leoric probably won't win but might be the only person to guardian so could win that way

good to see interest guys ill add you in

Forum Name   Name           Class/Type    Gear        Quirk      LVL  Highest WP

Handorman Silky-Smooth Fire Sorc Runed OCD 1 Rogue Camp
Coju ??? Singer Barb Set+Unique Showoff 1 Rogue Camp
Mandingo BillyBarb Zerker Barb Sockted Showoff 1 Rogue Camp
|||Name pending the answer to this question:

Since I rolled a singer, do I have to place points in ALL the warcries? Or just 75% of them and am able to place the other 25% in my tree of choice?

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