Thursday, April 12, 2012

Training Tuesdaily

[:1]Haven't seen a daily for too long, so hopefully this will wake you all up from your pre-wintersleep.

RL: Finally after ~2 years of asking (almost begging) i could follow a course, which took place today. Interesting but also exhausting. I forgot how much it takes from you to sit and listen all day long. The sitting part is not that hard, but actually paying attention for that long is. Combine that with the bad cold i've been having for the last week and a half and i'm pretty much done for the day.

Going to the dentist tomorrowmorning. Normally no big deal, but since i moved a couple of years back i also switched dentists. This is the first time i'm not going to this one for more then a checkup, and while i completely trusted my previous dentist i'm not so sure about this one. Hopefully it'll all go well.

D2: Last weekend i finished one of my long outstanding projects. My blizzy started doing 5K pindleruns somewhere in 1.12 and got put on hold with my 99 project at ~3.8K runs. Now she finished those which means she's done a total of 10K pindleruns. Last 300 runs went by superfast since i hardly found anything worth picking up. Big annoyance was the dropping of yellows which i would've liked to be golden, like winged harpoon, hydra bow (both in 1 drop) and sacred armor.

Now i've picked up another long overdue project: 1K tunnelruns with my abbot which got put on hold after ~100 runs. So plenty more to go before i finish.|||Rl- School- thats about it real;ly, Renovations still in full swing!

D2- Playing in tournaments ( how the mighty have fallen and fashonistas )_

OVG- Nope

|||RL: Didn't go to the hospital tonight. My brother was going to go but he got called into work. By the time I found out, it was too late for me to make it before visiting ended. I'll go up tomorrow to see my uncle.

D2: Fail. Was going to crack on with my tourney char at the weekend (the table is woefully out of date but I'm still behind) but that went pear-shaped when my uncle fell and got taken into hospital. Sun/Mon was 4 hours sleep and two 100-mile round trips in 24 hours. Monday wasn't too bad, I was back by 9pm (better than 2am Sun night/Mon morning). Fed the cats, did the litter trays, ate remaining two slices of pizza from Saturday, drank a large drink and went to bed. Spent most of today in a "someone stop the world, I want to get off for a few mins" daze.

OVG: Hahahahahahaha. No.|||@Cyrax: Yay for starting something and having a cold!

RL: had the bubbly gut the past week. Still have it, but I want FOOD!gnsdgja ssd;f!LKLFSDKJhfau48t ua;l AH! So, I'm off to the Zaxby's to eat wings. With a bubbly gut, I'm sure I'll have fun with it later on tonight, but I have the hunger.

D2: Going to doctor the tournament idea I have to be more different than Mals. Thinking about just leveling my MetOrb (60ish act4NM) instead of stopping at mephy for tea and biscuits (Or w/e you Brits eat ).

OVG: Still awaiting october 4th.|||RL: Work, work, work. Laundry. Shopping. Cooking. God I miss my parents Just emailed a local handball club - hopefully I will go play witht them tomorrow. Been a while since I played, it will be fun

D2: Started a new barb. Maybe going to finish normal act 3. But right now he is normal attacking his way through the jungle and it's boring as hell. go lvl 30!

OVG: no

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