Wednesday, April 18, 2012


RL: Supposedly we get payed today. I had no idea. Forgot all about pay day. One reason is I switched back to 5 days/week. Was doing 2-16hrs 1-8hr, off weekend, 1-8hr 2-16hrs. Made 40hrs/wk in 3 days, and it somehow gave me a week off at a time. Pretty sweet. I worked payday, so always knew when I got payed. Since switching, I haven't kept up with it much. Need to check my bank and see if it's true! (just bought some Grado sr225s. Need a payday!)

D2: Started a powazon. Well, bowazon. Wanted a character that dealt physical dmg. Have a wildwitch string. That's endgame material, right? It'll do until smthn else is aquired if not.

OVG: Awaiting Dark Souls to come out in OCT. Been playing MGO lately. Still stuck at lvl 5. Never figured out how peoples got to 15 and such. Oh well...|||RL: Not payday for me, but I got off work about 2 hours ago and now it's the weekend for me. Woohoo! Now what to do this weekend?!

D2: Got lvl 20 this morning, Duriel was a tough fight on players8 but I made it through on first attempt, probably first time I've ever got him on my first attempt as untwink.

OVG: still nada, just waiting on D3 and Battlefield 3, sad the alpha test is finished, that was a lot of fun. Now I'm just hoping I get into the D3 beta test... whenever that occurs!|||RL: Not payday today, and still in the office (probably, for 3 or 4 more hours). I hate you all.

Had a D3 related discussion with a friend of mine. He has an idea that is worth being taken into account: D3 SP may be not 100% online the way a closed battle net game is. Data transactions can be performed at key moments like log-in, save, level up, quest completion. Plus some minor data exchange to verify the game session is alive. So, the char is still saved onto battlenet server, and formally the game is online, but in fact, the ping problem becomes irrelevant as the amount of data transferred between local computer and game server is really small.

D2: Gave b-net another chance; full fire sorcie. Lvl 19 - just killed Izual. Looks like a disproportion to me after SP.

OVG: some D1 probably?|||RL: Payday is still a week away for me and I have basically zero dollars in my bank account. Taking the few bucks I have and playing poker with some buddies tomorrow night; depending on how that goes I may be eating an awful lot of pasta and tuna fish next week.

D2: Found a Herald of Zakarum a little while ago, so started a pally. Using conviction but vengeance seemed to slow for me and with no crowd control. Thinking of going zeal, but have to figure out how to work it. In act 5 NM atm. I do have a gimmershred sitting in a stash, so there is some elemental damage waiting for me at level 70.|||RL: A looong time till payday for me. Just moved to another country with about 0 bucks on my bank account. So I'm already living of tuna and pasta (had both yesterday actually). Going to watch some football and drink some beers with my new mateys later.

D2&OVG: not likely.|||RL: Just finished my first week of work after a 4 week vacation. Work was slowwww. Don't even have the feeling i've done anything usefull this week. Most of the time i've been busy fixing things that somehow stopped working during my holiday.

Naturally i've only had 1 or 2 days of good weather in my 4 weeks and the first week at work it's 3 days of good weather.

Feeling completely broken today after playing playing some badminton yesterday. Oh well, it's weekend so time to relax now.

D2: Yup, Baalrunning as usual.

@Coju: There are better options, but it's certainly a bow that can get you through the game and be used as endgame equipment.|||RL: Gave my two weeks notice at work today, and starting a new job right after those two weeks. Yay for life changes! Although, our dog is still missing... been 6 days now :sadbasementcat:

D2: So much going on lately, I've barely had time to play. Got my Teslot to A5 norm finally (yay for Aldur's Rhythm!), and progressed my HC untwinked Windy to LK norm (lvl 29... almost to Hurricane!)

OVG: Be prepared to be shocked - I finally downloaded Angry Birds. W00t for mind-numbing games!|||RL: work, and it could be payday if I wanted, being the boss is nice

D2: progressing the random sorc through a2 NM.

Ovg : nah|||RL: It was a fairly chill day at work today, but that did not prevent me from constantly wishing to be done with it. In other news, apparently my sunburn from last weekend was worse than I thought; based on the itching, it would seem that the surface layer of my skin is dead. Honestly, I do not know how people from Australia manage to survive this kind of thing on a daily basis.

D2: I have been grinding hard with my Classic WW Barb; if I can retain my current gameplay regimen, he should be level 91 by the end of next weekend, while my Classic Orb Sorc should be well on her way to level 89 by that time.

OVG: My focus is almost entirely on D2. I intend to keep it that way.|||It could be Friday, so I'll fake it.

RL: Work was lame. Big bro dropped off some more hand-me-down furniture after he moved in with his GF, which means my lame flat looks more like a house, and the GF is pleased. She's visiting family tomorrow, for a few days, so I have some time to catch up on games. The last few films we've watched have been bad-to-worse (The Lincoln Lawyer, Must Love Dogs and The Dilemma FYI) so I'm grateful to catch the start of Con Air on BBC One.

D2: Pijus talking about it on Steam almost makes me want to reinstall it.

OVG: Achievement hunting in Nation Red. Maybe some Oblivion or Killing Floor/MW2 depending on what the Steam crowd says.

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