Thursday, April 12, 2012



RL: Dog did not crap in my hallway last night while I was at work!

Had some drink again finally, haven't been able to since I've been ill

Talked about my old roommate.

Seeing some friends in the Capital City

D2: Did many of (many as in 50) meph runs with my orber in NM. Got some pretty stuff. (May have been 100+ i do not know) Another WWS. Several Unique Bows and other goodies. So I am working on my amazon again. So far she is going to be Straff+Multi, as I enjoy both. I plan on using WWS, but I found a Mageslayer, or something to that extent, that I may end up using since I have 5-ish hard points in Critical Strike. If I use WWS, I will have even more of a chance for double damage with DS and CS, right? I know they will not combine, but 50% cs + 50% ds would be more of a chance than just ds... Why would Blizzard put both in there when they do the same thing...

OVG: Demon's Souls maybe. Looking forward to Oct 4th still!|||Thought about it first .. But it's not Monday.

RL: A nice free day from work. A sunny day for a good book on the balcony..

D2: Thinking of making an assasin or leveling my common project ..

OVG: CivIII. Going vanilla for a time. |||Monday?? Have I dreamed the last 3 days or missed the coming 4? Also: congrats on not having to pick up dog crap from the carpet...

RL: waiting for baby to be born. Monday is actually the due date for her , hopefully she comes earlier. I hate waiting and I am really tired...

D2: keep starting up new characters that I can't focus on. So I play a little and then I start a new one...|||@Queen: Alright! Hope your deleverence of child goes smoothly.

@Klonki: Made you look! I was hoping people would! The reason I put mondaily is that is what I thought whenever I made the daily.|||What is this, I don't even...... Silly puppet!

RL: Soon off from work. Have a lot to do but I need to go to the "Finanzamt" and get my "Lohnsteuerkarte" or I will not get paid. Later on I'm going to practice with my new handball team for the first time. I've heard they don't use resin in Germany. I'm never going to be able to catch that ball!

Nope & nope!|||RL: my dogs also did not crap in the hall last night!

Work also...

D2: fashionable pally is still running crypt/maus

Yes, you can only get DS or CS, if one is successful, the other won't get rolled. But it still works good to have both.|||I knew you yanks were behind the times, but 5 days is a bit too many

Rl: Working, wedding stuff, have a few job offers I am mulling over

D2: Fashionista prolly

Ovg: Portal 2, Deus Ex : no subtitle (having just finished Deus Ex : Human Revolution), Drafting / pauper on MTGO

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