Thursday, April 12, 2012

Greetings, fellow trawellers

[:1]Hi All,

I've been reading this forum for a while now, and since playing SP for 3 months, I wanted to thank You all for your help, which I've been given reading old posts, comments and descriptions, and also make a "little" introduction...

I've been playing this game for years with great hiatuses on bnet, when I realised bnet is not for everyone. Since I've never liked bots, spam, and arrogant people, I've decided to give SP a try. Googled SP and found this site, where I have learnt about Atma, GoMule, and RWM.

Since I've been so lucky to choose my vacations on the rainiest week of the summer (end of Jun - who would have guessed?), on the 3rd day started my first SP char - a meteorb. I play SC only, since during daytime I have lots of interruptions (wife and job) and I'm not good enough yet for HC...

Meteorb was always one of my favourite characters, so I've figured it will be the first one, being an all round MF-er, and can easily give me a good start in my SP career. After reaching NM Baal, I've stopped to reequip her with some better stuff farming NM Andy, and NM Meph. Did about 500 runs, in which (now I know) I was extremely successful. Found Tal's ammy, a soj, and lots of nice stuff like Moser's, Magefist, and a nice Vipermagi 33 (which I later upped and ummed while searching for better). After collecting enough resistance stuff for hell, I've entered hell around lvl 73, run trough quickly and made her Mat.

My favourite stuff for Meteorb is the full Tal's set, Magefist, Wartrav, Soj + 1 Nagel and Spirit which gives me 105 FCR, life, mana, lots of skills, nice MF, and I can socket my armor and helm and maybe orb with nice fire rainbow facets when I find them eventually. She is now lvl 93, full vita and lacks max block, but Spirit is just too good to be ignored... She's a real glass cannon , but since I play SC and learned how to play deffensive and also improved my potion reflexes, she is a good MF-er. On switch I use a Harmony bow for faster running in town. Merc is NM Act 2 HF, with ummed and upped shafstop, Andy, and Insight eth CV (found it Pits). He'll get a Treachery when I find a nice 650+ def eth armor (and manage to get 3 sock).

Well, since making her Mat, I've been runing Meph, Pits/AT, Baal, Countess, Pindle, Diablo, and WSK (WSK on /p3 for drops and XP). Meph is now somewhere around 2700-2800 completed runs (40sec/run with identifying and selling unneeded stuff) , Pidle is around 4750 runs (21-23sec/run), Pits/AT around 350-400 (a boss dropped me a Cham in Pits). My most important find is my Tal's armor dropped by Pindle on my 4634th Pindle run (by that time Pindle dropped me 5 IK armors, which as far as I know is twice as rare as a Tal's armor, so I've made a little celebration that night! ) Also tried to run LK, but after 300 runs and 4 deaths I've realised I need a specialised LK runner (Sur,Vex,2xGul,Ist - so extremely lucky ) .

To not get bored with her I've made a full synergised Tesladin (my first) with Vengeance+Convinction as backup, and equipped him with with a CMPB+HoZ(ias jewel), Heaven's Light(found today)+HoZ(Pdia), Highlords, Raven, rare mana leach ring with dex, Gores for CB, Draculs, Nosferatu, CoH (the Ber dropped in Hell Act1 Tower lvl 3 while running Countess for Pul-Ist runes - but not really sure how - from some boss fallen (I always kill groups while running for runes)). He wears a shako with ias jewel untill I find a Griffon. Merc is NM Act2 Defiance using upped shaftstop, Guillaume, and non eth Reaper's Toll. He is now lvl 86, and he'll retire around lvl 93-94.

My 2 next chars will be a 105 FCR LK runner sorceress (since my Meteorb is not suited for LK - not enough FHR, DR, no block) described in the LK faq safety equipment section, and a Hammerdin for CS and WSK running (made him already a nice 4-5-4 cta, and a 33 hoto). Still need an Arkaine's Valor and a shako for the LK runner, and Mara and Jah+Ber for Hammerdin. I know they are not necessary, but I really like to tweak my chars as much as possible (given my possibilities and legit).

In the really far future I'm planning to make a Beast-Enigma-Infinity Summoner for /p8 WSK running, complete my grail, and pat/mat and tweak as much different builds as possible... I've never played a druid or an assassin so those are planed as well.

For now I don't know if I'll try trading or not, since it gives me more satisfaction to equip my chars with self found stuff, but we'll see how much time do I get from my daughter once she's born in about 4 months ...

So, that's all fellow travellers, and the only thing left for me is to bid thee good luck and wish you nice drops! |||Hello you. Have a nice stay here in the "real world" Enter a tournament, hang out at the bar and make a wealth! Watch your paants! Mohaha!|||*steals pants*

*kicks shins*


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