Thursday, April 12, 2012

Possible tourney (or maybe just my own project)

[:1]Heya SPF denizens!

Well, the last time I tried to start a tourney it didn't go over too well. After giving it some thought, I think that was due to a combination of the following reasons...

1. It was a twinked items tourney.

2. The rules were complicated and there were several restrictions on classes and skills in addition to items - it wasn't very thematic or cohesive.

Soooo, I'm trying again, because there aren't many new tourneys of late and I'd like a new project before D3 comes out. This time it's hopefully less complicated and less restrictive.


General Concept:

Your character must equip a 'rainbow' of items, by color of the item name. The first item you equip must be white. Then blue. Then grey. Then... well, you get the idea.

General Rules:

1. Any class, any build, any P# (change it as you like), any merc. Respec is ok.

2. HC or SC, but one death and you are out. You can then join again with a new character if you like.

3. Untwinked. Extended stash via ATMA/Go Mule is allowed.

4. Single-pass. No runs.

5. RRM and RWM are allowed.

6. 1.10+.

7. No scoring - just see how far you can get.

8. You don't have to do all the quests or get all the waypoints, but you can if you want to.

Item Rules:

The heart of this tournament is the special rules for equipping items. Items must be equipped in a specific order, according to the color of their names, as follows...

1. White (normal)

2. Blue (magical)

3. Grey (socketed or ethereal)

4. Yellow (rare)

5. Orange (crafted)

6. Green (set)

7. Gold (unique)

You may never skip colors on the list (ie - you can't equip a unique item if you haven't found a set item yet).

If you do not have the indicated color for an item (or do not wish to use an item of the indicated color), you may restart the rotation at the beginning, and cycle through it from the first item (white) to the last color item you have (or wish to use). Keep cycling those colors until all your slots are filled, or you run out of eligible items.

All items that are equipped (on the PC or merc, including weapon/shield switch) and all identified charms must abide by these color rules. If you ID a charm while adventuring and do not wish to count it in your rotation, you must either drop it and leave it or immediately TP to town to sell or stash it - do not adventure with it!

You may change the items you have equipped at any time, and reconfigure your gear whenever you want, so long as you abide by a legal color rotation at all times.

It probably sounds more complicated than it is. Here is an example that will hopefully make it clear...

Example 1: Hagatha the Sorceress has equipped a white item, a blue item, and a grey item. She hasn't found a rare yet. She could equip a 2nd white, then a 2nd blue, then a 2nd grey, then a 3rd white, then a 3rd blue, etc, cycling through the first 3 items on the list. She follows this rotation until she has equipped an item in every slot (we'll say she hasn't found any charms). Then, joy of joys, she finds a yellow item! If she chooses to equip it, her rotation of items would now be white, then blue, then grey, then yellow, then a 2nd white, then a 2nd blue, then a 2nd grey, then a 2nd yellow. Since she doesn't have a second yellow, she wouldn't be able to equip any more items until she found a second yellow. Alternately, she could decide not to equip the first yellow she found, and keep her item rotation at white/blue/grey/repeat, so as not to have any empty slots.

With a new character, you may want to use only whites in all slots at first, essentially having a rotation of only the first color. Or you might want to go white/blue/white/blue/white/blue/etc until you find some decent grey items. Just remember, once you add the next color in the rotation, you must stick to that rotation and if you do not have enough items of the proper color you may have to have empty slots.

Hmmm, this was actually harder to describe than I thought it would be - I hope it is clear. I will answer questions as necessary.

Hope you will join me in this tourney, and if not, well, I guess it will just be my project and not a tourney after all .|||Interesting idea, my only comment would be that I would leave charms out of the rotation.

oh and

"3. Grey (set or ethereal)" - I think you mean socket or ethereal. BTW are you allowed to fill the sockets?

What about ethereal magic items are they equipable here or is it just plain ethereal?|||Yeah, that should have said socketed or ethereal for Grey items - good catch! I edited my post to fix it.

Sure, you can fill the sockets. Just be aware that if the color of the name of the item changes (say, if you create a RW) it is no longer a Grey item.

It's all about the color (of the name of the item).

Personalizing an item makes it a Gold item (if it wasn't already).

Hmmm, I think I like having identified charms in the rotation. Gives you extra outs for blue items, or could make for a tough decision if you find a Gheeds. You could leave them out of the rotation by simply not carrying any ID'd charms if you wanted.|||An easy way to tell the color of an item if you aren't sure is to drop it on the ground and cursor over it - the color of the text is the color of the item.|||Wait, what? I somewhat get the idea, but confused on how to equip items:

Where are your start locations? Overall? Per individual slot? Head, Ammy, Weapon, Armor... slots?

From your example/rules, it looked like whenever we equip a blue item, we have to equip a white item next, then another blue, then a gray, then a white, blue, gray, then we get to finally equip a yellow item.

I find a loophole in this: where as I have my starter sword, find a blue item, put my sword away, find a gray item, equip my starter sword, then my blue sword, then my gray sword.

Or are you meaning we have to FULLY equip before we move on to the next color?

(((((I was thinking we have to have one of each! white helm, blue ammy, gray wpn 1, yellow armor, orange wpn 2.....)))))|||From how I understand it, you basically get two choices.

Starting with 0 items, you find a white item and equip it. Then you have two choices.

Choice 1: Repeat the loop with another white

Choice 2: Progress through the chain with a blue

With choice 1, you then have both choice 1 and 2 again. You can repeat the loop for another white, or progress the chain with a blue.

Once you progress to a Blue item, you again have 2 choices.

Choice one is repeat the loop, by going back to a white item, then a blue item.

Choice two is to progress the chain, by going to a grey item.

Once you progress to a Grey item, two choices

Choice one is repeat the loop, going back to white, then blue, then grey.

Choice two is moving on in the chain, up to Yellow

On and on. But if you move up the chain, you have to equip an item in that order.

However, this poses a challenge. You find a rare sword. Can you equip a White sword, then Blue sword, then Grey sword, then Yellow sword, thus not requiring you to change any of the other slots, and allowing you to technically skip half the colours on the loop/chain you're on? Or are you only allowed to change an item to a new one when all slots have filled up?

Edit: Coju - read your comment again, and this above is the same thing that you thought.


From your example/rules, it looked like whenever we equip a blue item, we have to equip a white item next, then another blue, then a gray, then a white, blue, gray, then we get to finally equip a yellow item.

I find a loophole in this: where as I have my starter sword, find a blue item, put my sword away, find a gray item, equip my starter sword, then my blue sword, then my gray sword.


These two comments are giving me some trouble. I can't really get my head around all possibilities at the moment. Would you mind elaborating on them?


Keep cycling those colors until all your slots are filled, or you run out of eligible items.


You may change the items you have equipped at any time, and reconfigure your gear whenever you want, so long as you abide by a legal color rotation at all times

The first, gives the impression that you must use up all your item slots before changing equipment. But I don't believe that is what you intended. If it is, please clarify.

The second, contradicts the first, but also gives the impression that the challenge above (white sword -> blue sword ->grey sword -> yellow sword) is legitimate and intended.

Also, if you find an item of your colour, do you have to use that one, or can you use the colour at any point? Say, you 'want' a grey sword, but find a grey helm. You are allowed to ignore the grey helm (and others,) until you find that grey sword, correct?|||Okay, I will try to clear up the confusion.

Your *currently equipped* items (including merc and weapon switch), as well as any identified charms you are carrying, must abide by the 'rainbow' rotation. You can have empty slots, but any slot containing an item must follow the rotation.

You can reconfigure your equipment whenever you want, but each time you reconfigure you should strip off all your gear and start over, filling slots according to the rotation you choose. Once you unequip an item, it no longer counts towards the rotation, since it is only your *equipped* slots (and ID'd charms) that count. Thus the loophole of equipping the same slot over and over again doesn't work.

Another example...

Let's say you start a new character, and start with just your starter weapon, which is white. You can equip any and all white items you find, so long as you don't equip any other colors - your rotation is simply white items.

Eventually you find several blue items, and decide to go to a rotation of white/blue/white/blue/white/blue/etc (rotating the first 2 colors in the list). To do this, you can freely swap out any of your currently equipped white items for blue items, so long as when you are finished equipping your new equipment follows the white/blue/white/blue/white/blue/etc rotation. The easiest way to do this is to strip off all your items then start equipping according to the rotation. So you could strip off your items then equip a white armor, then a blue helm, then a white gloves, then a blue ring, then a white boots, then a blue charm, then a white shield, then a blue weapon, then a white weapon on switch, then a blue armor on your merc, etc.

Let's say you then find some grey items and yellow items, and decide to reconfigure your equipment once again. You can swap out any or all of your items - but when you are finished reconfiguring you must once again meet a legal rotation - in this example white/blue/grey/yellow/white/blue/grey/yellow/white/blue/etc. Any slots you choose to leave empty do not count towards the rotation. Again, the simplest way to ensure you do things correctly is to strip off all your items and start filling in slots, first with a white item, then a blue item (in a different slot), then a grey item (in a different slot), then a yellow item, then back to a white, then a blue, then a grey, etc, until all slots are filled or you run out of eligible items that you want to equip.

Does that make it more clear?|||There was a great tourney some years ago along similar lines- Skunkbelly's "It takes all kinds" tourney where particular item spots had to be of particular type. You may find some good ideas there.|||I am terribly sorry Sid, but I'm still not getting the picture. I am kind of picking up what you're laying down, but it's slippery.

From what I'm understanding in your last post:

White wand > Blue shield > gray helm > yellow armor

Then, we find another blue shield, are we able to swap them out freely? Being blue and all? Or have to go back through the rotation, whereas we can just re-equip the items we had before?

White wand > Blue shield > gray helm > yellow armor

In order to equip a ring or charm, we have to equip another white item, correct? But, we can virtually equip any charm/ring as long as we first equip white boots > charm > white boots > blue boots > gray boots > yellow boots.

Or, are you meaning that we have to go in a rotation of our slots? so, to put on the yellow boots I have ^^^there^^^, I have to have a white wand, blue charm, gray shield, then yellow boots?

Idk, I believe I am getting the jist/spirit of the game, and you did say first, that you wanted it to be fun and see how far we could get (as I remember). I just see this loophole where we can equip virtually anything as long as we have xNumber of boots. I will look over this again after I eat. I need food. omnomnomnomnom|||No reason to be sorry - I'm the one who is sorry that I cannot describe it adequately.

I'm on my way to my friends house to play a boardgame so I don't have time to explain it any further right now, but to quickly answer your first question, yes, you could swap out one blue shield for another blue shield (since the color rotation would still be correct). You don't have to equip your slots in any certain order - you can equip white wand/blue shield/gray helm/yellow armor/white boots/blue charm/gray gloves/yellow ammy then change it to white armor/blue gloves/gray shield/yellow ring/white belt/blue ammy/grey helm/yellow wand. The important thing is that every item you have equipped (and every ID'd charm you carry) fit into the rotation. So you couldn't have a third yellow equipped if you don't also already have a third white and a third blue and a third grey equipped.

I'll be home around midnite (EST) and will check in here again at that time, and try one last time to explain it.

In the meantime, if anyone thinks they understand it, please try to help me describe it.

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