Thursday, April 12, 2012

NM Meph is giving my Fishymancer trouble

[:1]Hey guys; I came back to this game after several years, so I'm running a fishymancer with whom I can MF for gear. I just reached the holy grail for poor players like me: NM Meph. However, to my dismay, he is incredibly tough. (Even on /players 1).

Even if I keep him decrepified for the entire fight, my skellies start to drop when Meph is around 1/3 or so. My merc on his own can't handle Meph either. He has an ethereal partizan, which is pretty much the highest-damage polearm I've found, but it's still abysmally slow, and without skellies for Meph to focus on, he drops pretty quickly.

This means I have to tele out, re-raise my army somewhere, and come back and finish him off. This is incredibly time-consuming and tedious, and I was wondering what things I can to do ensure this won't be necessary. I can't think of anything other than more points into summon resist, but I don't think that's a good idea..|||Any points in Revives? They usually have high life and can provide more targets for Meph.

Also, are you using clay golem? The chance to slow + decrepify is a good way to keep Meph's damage down. Plus since the golem is recastable, you can keep recasting him when his health gets low/he dies.|||Give him a 'strength' polearm to start the fight and swap it for the higher damage weapon when Mephs down to 1/3 life.

The Durance is level 55 in nightmare. What level are you?|||I just turned 60. I went ahead and started using the clay golem (wasn't before), and put a point in skeletal mage in anticipation of revives. I find the combination of the golem and a cold mage works really nicely; I find that Meph often targets the golem and I can just recast it when it dies. I just did a run without any casualties.

It's still pretty tenuous, though. If there are blood lords up there then they really throw a wrench into things. I had a run where they were there and even with the golem and mages I finished the fight with only one skelly remaining.

It's also a lot slower than I remember my sorc being. Raising an army and then making my way to Durance 3 without TP is really tedious.|||It'll be his poison attacks that are doing the damage. Apart from 20/20 in summon mastery and raise skeletons and a point in summon resist one thing to do is increase summon skills. Golemlords wands (with an extra +1 to +3 in summon resist) are available from shops at 60 as is the chance of gambling a +3 to summons amulet or circlet.|||Dim Vision or Attract should take the Blood Lords out of the fight.|||Don't worry about Meph beeing hard to kill. Fishymancers are slow at boss hunting until they have a mercenary that survives and has a lot of crushing blow. They really shine at area clearing though, so try to move on a bit. To the very least to chaos sanctuary, and keep clearing it over and over and just skip killing Diablo, he takes too much time. Better yet is to complete nm alltogether and start doing pit runs in hell. If resistance is a problem, wait until a 3 socket low req shield drops and fill it with perfect diamonds. Also a 4 socket low req armour of any kind filled with any combination of ral+ort+thul as needed can help. This along with some charms found on the way usually nets a fishymancer decent resists for early hell until better gear has dropped.

Bottom line of it all: Skip act boss running. It is generally way too slow for an underequipped fishymancer, even if he can kill them safely to move along to later acts.|||If my goal is to find a lot of decent mid-level items, isn't it still technically more efficient to struggle with running Meph than doing area clears?

Right now I have a lot of MF/resists on and not much else. I'll do what I can to get some +skills. Currently I only have +1 to all skills from suicide branch. Not really the best wand, but better than I've found in a shop. I really like the FCR on it, too, even though it's unnecessary.

Also, what gear should I be looking for on my merc? Currently his gear is utter crap, I'm well aware. Ethereal partizan, some random helm with good resists, and sparking mail for the body armor. I'm guessing I'm going to want life leech and crushing blow. Anything else to look out for? Think it'd be worth it to make insight? (Not that I have anything to put it in). Or maybe insight for area running to fuel CE and strength for boss running? I'm pretty sure I have a 2 socket partizan lying around somewhere..|||If you are set on meph, it would probably be more efficient to start a sorc from scratch and get her up to meph.

Fishymancers are just so much better at area clears, due largely to CE.|||Quote:

If you are set on meph, it would probably be more efficient to start a sorc from scratch and get her up to meph.

Fishymancers are just so much better at area clears, due largely to CE.

This, exactly.

If you don't want to build a new sorc and trudge through Normal etc, get to the Pit in the Tamoe Highland in Hell, load up on MF, and run it until your eyes come off.

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